Atayeb el Rif Program

What We Do

Our objective in our trainings is to bring the most updated information on the trade to our producers and beneficiaries. Altayeb al Rif runs three types of training and capacity building: food production, agriculture, handicrafts, and management: 


Within food production we focus on food safety and quality trainings, food processing, standardizing recipes, and good manufacturing/hygienic practices (GMP/GHP). Under agriculture we train cooperatives in good agricultural practices, post-harvest practices, water quality, and water hygiene/sanitation. For handicrafts we mainly focus on capacity building of crochet, accessories, soap, candles, and other types of handicrafts for rural women.  These trainings are meant to support rural women economically if they are not already generating income within a formal structure.


Finally, we also run management trainings which work on leadership, sound business practices, accounting, laws and bylaws, group dynamics, and bookkeeping.