Every year the YMCA runs a Camp Directors' Conference in the USA. The idea behind the conference is to bring together YMCA directors and leaders from around the world. This year Claudia, the head of YMCA Lebanon's Youth Program, was proud to participate alongside 104 delegate representing 27 different countries. The event was run in the Frost Valley Camp in Claryvill, New York, from October 10th to 13th.
The purpose of the event was to develop, strengthen and expand global camp exchanges and Y- to -Y partnerships, strengthen international YMCA camp leadership, programs and sustainability strategies. Another purpose was to increase philanthropic support for YMCA camps around the world. Our Youth Department head spoke at the conference on the YMCA Lebanon's programs and strategies.

Another important topic that appeared in various contexts during the conference was Strengthening Global Collaboration. At an interactive workshop, Strengthening Global Collaboration through YMCA World Service and discussion was explored as a team. The workshop focused on ways to embrace YMCA World Service as a tool for mutual benefit to teach philanthropy to youth, raise awareness and support for World Service, and strengthen collaborative connection between YMCA camps across the globe.